Officers of the European Radio Astronomy Club

President Vice President and Treasurer
Peter Wright B.Sc Angelika Gehrke
Ziethen str 97 Same address as Peter!
D-68259 Mannheim
Tel 0049 (0) 621 794597
Mobile 01704133653
peter(at) geli(at)

ERAC International Coordinator
Radio Astronomy Art/Culture Coordinator
Yasmin A. Walter Ms Honor Harger
Postfach 1457
65783 Hattersheim am Main
Tel. 0049(0)6103 65375
yasminwalter-erac(at) honor(at)

Jupiter work

ERAC Webmaster
Martin J. Neuman Eckhard Kantz
Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie Ganghoferstr. 6
Königstuhl 17 D-82299 Türkenfeld
D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany Germany
Tel 0049(0)6221 528208 / Fax 528377 Tel +49(0)8193 9374 744
neumann(at) webmaster(at)

Hardware Developement

SETI Research
Franz Knüttel Prof Dr Paul Schuch
Wächtersbergstr 14 SETI League 433 Liberty Street
D-63636 Brachttal Po Box 555 Little Ferry NJ 07643
Germany USA
Tel 0049 (0)6053 9936 Tel 001 201 6411770

Observational Data Publication

Message to Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (Active SETI )
drs ing Nicolaas Heijblok Prof Alexander. L. Zaitsev
Nieuwe Passeerdersstraat 104 Achadamy of Science Moscow
NL-1016 XP Amsterdam Prospekt Mira 24 / 2 -- 117
The Netherlands 141196 Fryazino, Russia
Tel 0031(0)51491458
heijpi(at) alzaitsev(at)

Deutsche Amateur Radio Tagung

The Italian Amateur Radio
Astronomers Association
Sven Alexander Schuch Mr. Salvatore Pluchino
Loretostr 19 IARA Coordinator
D-72351 Geislingen-Binsdorf UAI RadioAstronomy Research Group Coordinator
Germany Via Modena 62, 97018 Scicli (Ragusa), ITALY
Tel 0049 (0)7428 8537 Tel +39-0932-832465 Cell +39-338-8075357
radioastronomy(at) salvo.pluchino(at)

e-mail coordinator

System + Antenna Design
Martin Konrad DR-ing Rudolf Wohleben
Karlstr. 23 Am Bogen 9
64283 Darmstadt D-53125 Bonn Reottgen
Germany Germany
Tel 0049(0)6151 3921148 Tel 0049(0)228 256333

New Member support and
Benelux Group Organizer

Easy Sky Software
“Planetarium on your PC”
Erik Smith from “Matthias Busch Starkenburg Sternwarte”
Burg.J.Van Aperenstraat 17
B-2320 Hoogstraten
Belgium Demo Version Free Download
Tel 003233148955
erik.smith(at) Matthias.Busch(at)

With the greatest of pleasure we would like to announce the names of the people
who were granted Fellowship of the European Radio Astronomy Club.

This important award is assigned for outstanding work in the Radio Astronomical
community in the name of the European Radio Astronomy Club:

Collin Clements f.e.r.a.c.
Peter Wright f.e.r.a.c.
Paul Shuch f.e.r.a.c.
Ernst Lankheit f.e.r.a.c.
Nicolaas Heijblok f.e.r.a.c.
Jim Sky f.e.r.a.c.
Matthias Busch f.e.r.a.c.
Marko Cebokli f.e.r.a.c.
Eckhard Kantz f.e.r.a.c.
Franz Knüttel f.e.r.a.c.
Bernadin Marker f.e.r.a.c.
Stelio Montebugnoli f.e.r.a.c.

Positions open for anyone wishing to help!
Please send any changes and/or corrections to

Please visit regularly the homepage of the European Radio Astronomy Club. Comments and questions to are very appreciated. Please contact if you encounter any problems with this web site.